Thursday 14 April 2011


Computer science department Almora is a part of the Kumaun University
Kumaun University Stated at 1973 government of Uttar pradesh par act of (10)/8651/15/75 (85)/64
At present there are two campus of Kumaun University:- S.S.J Campus Almora, and D.S.B Campus Nanital.
Computer Science Department is the one of the Department among many of the Department..........


Department of Computer Science S.S.J Campus,Almora
Computer Science as a subject was introduced as undergraduate level in 1988. In the year 1990, Computer Science  was given   the status of an independent department . M.Sc. in Computer Science was started in the following years.  Subsequently , Ph.D programme in Computer Science was also started .The Department         has  also been functioning as a programme center of IGNOU like CIC (Certificate in Computing), B.C.A (Bachelor   in Computer Application) and M.C.A (Master in computer  Application) are also available in the department.
           The  department also has a local CISCO academy, imparting training for CISCO based ceatification. The department is also running professional programs like P.G.D.C.A and B.C.A programmers for the benifit of large  number of students of this region

Contact Information

You can contect to Computer Science department via Telephone, FAX, Post or Internet
Postal address
            Computer Science department,
            S.S.J Campus,